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GPF India

GPF India promotes the idea of One Family under God through the vision of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्), which tries to foster an understanding that the whole of humanity is one family. It is a social philosophy emanating from a spiritual knowledge that the world of humanity is made of one life energy. GPF India, an affiliation of Global Peace Foundation, which is an international non-sectarian, non-partisan, non-profit organization present in more than 22 countries worldwide, with its headquarters in Washington DC.

Our Aim

GPF India aims to develop a world where every individual has intrinsic value, dignity, and fundamental rights, as endowed by the Creator, and gain the highest attribute and spiritual and moral essence. We intend to encourage the thought of human nature to find its fullest expression and meaning in relation to others and develop their innate potential through their choices and actions.

Our Vision

All people, regardless of race, nationality, religion, or culture, are members of One Family under God.

Our Mission

We engage and organize a global network of owners who develop community, national, and regional

peacebuilding models as the foundation for ethical and cohesive societies. A value-based approach to

peacebuilding has been adopted for achieving the organization's mission.

Universal Principles

The Global Peace Foundation affirms the importance of universally recognized principles and shared values as essential to building social cohesion within nations and the global community. Among these principles are:

  • All people have intrinsic value, dignity, and fundamental rights, as endowed by the Creator.

  • Every person has, as his or her highest attribute, a spiritual and moral essence.

  • Our human nature finds its fullest expression and meaning in relation to others.

  • People develop their innate potential through their choices and actions. Freedom and responsibility are intrinsically linked.

  • Understanding our shared identity and common aspirations as members of the human family establishes the basis for lasting peace. It is the foundation for respect, empathy, and shared responsibility beyond the boundaries of ethnicity, religion, and nationality.

  • Builds broad awareness of the central importance of universal principles and shared values as the basis for social cohesion and peace building.

  • Develops a multi-sector movement of moral and innovative leaders who work in partnership to address the critical issues of conflict and underdevelopment in communities, nations, and regions.

  • Empowers families as the primary means of instilling values and promotes an education culture that fosters character and creativity to guide youth to become ethical global citizens.

  • Builds comprehensive, collaborative models of sustainable community and national development that enable all to achieve fulfilment and material well-being.

GPF Value Framework

Greater Good

The noblest motivation is Living for the Greater Good.

Dream Big

The higher the motivation, the greater your aspiration. In other words, you Dream Big.


Taking action to substantiate your dream is the natural expression of Ownership.


Inspiring and engaging others to own the dream and participate in its fulfilment is Teamwork.

Focus Areas

The four essential elements of the GPF Approach to Peace building are interwoven to develop programs that address the following GPF Focus Areas.

social cohesion and peace building

Builds broad awareness of the central importance of universal principles and shared values as the basis for social cohesion and peacebuilding

Character and leadership development

Develops a multi-sector movement of moral and innovative leaders who work in partnership to address the critical issues of conflict and corruption in communities, nations, and regions.

Social Cohesion
Fostering Civic Virtue
fostering civic virtue

Builds comprehensive, collaborative models of sustainable community and national development that enable all to achieve spiritual and material well-being.

pathway for national transformation

Empowers families as the primary means of instilling values and promotes an education culture that fosters character and creativity, to guide youth to become ethical global citizens.


Value Based Approach

GPF's unique approach to peace building interweaves three essential elements into models adapted to the local culture, tradition, and situation to most effectively address the local, national, or region's issues.

The three essential elements of the GPF approach to peace building are:

Interfaith Leadership

  • Most people understand and discover meaning in life through various spiritual paths. While there may be significant differences in religious doctrines and liturgies, and how people live every day. Fundamental human values – respect and compassion for all people, honouring the family, and living with integrity are vitally important to people of all faiths and backgrounds. Thus, it is essential that faith leaders stand together and advocate for such time-honoured principles and shared values in society.

  • Addressing humanity's most critical problems, including conflict and corruption, requires a fundamental change in heart and spirit. Political agreements or economic incentives alone cannot compel someone to forgive or ask forgiveness. Faith leadership, which appeals to human beings' highest ideals and aspirations, is needed to help bring about such change.

  • Because faith traditions address the more critical questions of life – who we are and how we should live – religious identities are often more fundamental than nationality or ethnicity. Recognizing that many conflicts are attributed to spiritual causes, people of faith must show example to transcend differences based on our shared heritage and shared values as one family under God.

Strengthening Families

  • The family is the "school of love and virtue" in which the character and heart of each individual are formed at the deepest level. The ideal institution for teaching and learning values is a healthy family headed by a father and mother. The family is meant to be the most intimate environment in which every child comes to know their intrinsic value through parents' unconditional love. The extended family's vital relationships help shape the child's larger sense of identity by imparting the essence of culture and tradition.

  • Relations within the family, between husband and wife, parents and children, and siblings are instrumental for developing the virtues that underlie all positive social ties. People learn to relate with all of humanity in the extended family.

  • Future citizens with clear ethical values and an active sense of social responsibility are cultivated within strong families and vibrant communities. From the immediate family to the extended family model and carrying forth to the entire human family, "family" is at the heart of One Family under God.

Building a Culture of Service

  • The values formed in the family are meant to be practised through a lifestyle of serving the greater good. A culture shaped by citizens who live in this way is naturally ethical, inclusive, prosperous, and genuinely accessible.

  • Service provides tremendous opportunities for experiential learning, which can cultivate leadership and good character. Through international and cross-cultural service, we engage in meaningful ways with others, forming deep bonds of heart that transcend all differences. We learn in profound, personal, and often life-changing ways that we are, in fact, one family under God.

  • The insight gained that we are one human family makes us aware that the world is our common home. Thus, we are responsible for respecting, protecting, and living in harmony with the natural environment.

  • Serving the greater good fosters a social environment in which our innate creativity can flourish, enabling us to create value, solve problems, and build a world where all people can have a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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